Ministries and Leadership
Altar Guild
The most visible are the Sunday morning ministries. Ministry to the Altar is open to both adults and youth.
The Altar Guild prepares the altar and tends to the vestments and sacramental elements. They work behind the scenes to get ready for every service we have. The Vergers assist the priest in worship, preparing prior to the service and responding to needs during the service.
Lay ministers serve as Readers and Chalice Bearers. Our kids serve as Acolytes and Crucifers (cross bearers.) Our Choir director and provide music so we can raise our voices in praise during worship. Greeters and Ushers welcome us, shepherd us in to the church prior to service and to communion during the service. Prayers sit outside Sanctuary the church and pray for each of us to be touched by the Holy Spirit and everyone is invited to participate.
Resolution in the Morning
Today I will try to live a simple, genuine and calm life; I will reject all thoughts of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity and selfishness; I will cultivate joy, generosity, charity, and the habit of silent meditation; I will spend sparingly, I will give generously, I will speak wisely, I will work diligently, I will act faithfully, and I will exercise the genuine Faith of childhood.
I will especially try to be faithful to my habits; pray, work, study, exercise, eat healthy, and sleep; the Holy Spirit has shown me that these habits are good.
And since I cannot do this by my own effort, not even with the remote hope of achieving it, I come to you Lord God Our Father, through Jesus my Savior, and I ask you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.