Misa de Quinceañera/Sweet sixteen Mass
The transition from childhood to womanhood is an important event in almost any culture. Hispanics/Latino(a)s, however, mark this memorable occasion by celebrating a Quinceañera tradition. The tradition is believed to have started many years ago when the Spanish conquerors brought it to Mexico and others say it originated with the Aztecs. In any case, a Quinceañera celebration is a Hispanic tradition associated with Mexican, Central and South American cultures. Through the different ceremonies that take place today, it is when the quinceañera formally presents herself to society and it is a day to thank God for having reached this age.
The coordination of the entire Quinceañera event is a teamwork effort between family, friends and relatives. It is customary for all of them to volunteer to be sponsors or sponsors. Each sponsor assumes financial and / or moral responsibility for what they have been assigned.
The church supports this journey to womanhood with an especial mass/misa. Call the office at (831) 424 - 7331 for more details